Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dropping the Ball

When you hear of dropping the ball what do you think of? Do you think of the literal dropping of a ball from your grasp? Or do you think of a blunder you made? Maybe you failed at something and you feel bad for dropping it.

Just recently I did this, and it was this blog. I wanted to take the social media world by storm and I literally dropped the ball myself. Recently, just upgrade my smart phone, and with apps and widgets I was set, or so I thought. I had my Facebook, Twitter, Google + widgets set, and I was ready to roll. I just recently got back on Twitter, but this blog, a form of social media was  left behind. That was until today.

I was talking with a fellow in the Children's Ministry world, and he said I was slacking. So I decided why not give it another chance. Then I was reminded that God gives us a second chance. God gave Jonah a prophecy for Ninevah. What did Jonah do? We all know what he did he ran from what God told him to do. He dropped his ball. God gave him a second chance.

Now if you have recently dropped the ball on something in your life, turn to God and he will give you that second chance to run with the ball not drop it.

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